Well my friends, nearly a year after my last post on this blog I am back to make another post updating you about my life.
I’m moving back to Jersey for the summer of 2014.
“Why???” you might ask. Well there’s a lot of reasons. But these are not them.
The Things I Will Miss About California:
1) My baby apartment.
For those of you who have had the pleasure of stepping foot into my baby apartment and sleeping on an air mattress on the floor, then you know it’s got its charms and quirks about it. IT MAY BE SMALL, BUT IT BE MIGHTY aka it had walls and a roof and a kitchen and a bathroom and enough room for a bed so that was good enough for me.
Low ceilings, close proximity to a college aka loud drunken frat boys 5/7 nights a week, close proximity to a fire station aka sirens all the time, unbelievably sensitive fire alarm that goes off when my oven is preheating forcing me to run back and forth multiple times to stop the loud and obnoxious beeping, roommates (aka ants, spiders, fruit flies, occasional mice, etc)
2) The weather.
Fairly certain that there was ne’er a day the temperature went below 50 degrees during the day. And holy shit that is a modern marvel for a girl who grew up in the northeast. AND CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW IT’S POSSIBLE THAT THERE ARE PLACES THAT HAVE LESS THAN 100% HUMIDITY IN THE SUMMER TIME? Cool breezes on hot days are the greatest thing. Suck on that, Jersey.
Nothing. Well ok actually I miss rain and thunderstorms so I guess I won’t miss NOT having rain and thunderstorms. And earthquakes. PEACE OUT MOTHERFUCKERS I DON’T NEED THE GROUND SHAKING FOR NO REASON OK.
3) The people I have met.
My friends from Disney who have allowed me to be crazy me and still want to be my friends (???? you are all weirdos why do you accept me I am a crazy person). You have made being homesick and not knowing a single thing about California before coming here a lot easier. If you ever need a place to crash in Jersey, or wherever I end up next, srsly send me a text. I got you.
My neighbor loudly having sex at 3 am. Nope. Won’t miss that a single bit.
4) The food.
Actual Mexican food is amazing???? And In n Out is amazing?????? AND THEY PUT SANDWICHES ON WAFFLES HERE (Bruxie) AND IT’S ONLY 3 BLOCKS AWAY FROM MY APARTMENT AND WHOEVER THOUGHT TO DO THAT IS AMAZING (except why so close to my apartment pls I want a banana chocolate milkshake and waffle fries every single day damn you)???????
There are probably other things. Actually, I’m sure there are other things. But for now, I’m just going to try to focus on the positives of moving back to New Jersey aka sitting in my bed watching HGTV and Food Network and ABC Family and TLC (because my parents actually have cable television!!!) while eating greasy cheesy pizza and cuddling with Jackson. And what’s not to love about that?
PS Still haven't met Seth Cohen so p sure something is wrong???????
I love music a lot. I'd like to think I have a great taste in music. So I've decided for the first time to compile a list of what I consider to be the best albums of the year. Or at least, my favorite albums of 2013.
And also a disclaimer: I'm extremely into the idea of actually paying for music because, weirdly enough, I like to support the people that create the things that I enjoy. But for those of you who aren't as into spending money on things that can be easily found on the internet, all of these albums are available for listening on Spotify.
Days Are Gone, HAIM
I told myself I wasn't going to list these albums in a specific order (i.e. 1-10), but I can't resist disclosing that Days Are Gone by HAIM is my favorite album, and the best, of 2013. And this is saying a lot, because a LOT of great music came out this year, and I hadn't even heard this album until midway through December. But I have DEVOURED it. Listened to it on repeat for the last 2-3 weeks. Obsessed. So much so that I've decided my 2014 New Years resolution is to see HAIM live. Mostly this synopsis is a giant ramble and I really can't even coherently put into words how much I love HAIM, how catchy their songs are, how effortless they feel, and how cohesive the album is, so just listen to it already, ok? Ok.
Wolf's Law, The Joy Formidable
If you know nothing about me, then you still probably would know that the Welsh band The Joy Formidable is my favorite band of recent past. They put on a heck of a live show (I would know, having seen them 5 times in the span of 13 months) and create music that should be more of what is on the radio today than what is actually on the radio today. Their first full-length album, The Big Roar, was exactly that--a loud burst of energy that summoned you to keep listening over and over and onto when Wolf's Law was released 2 years later. What is great about Wolf's Law, though, is the quiet moments that come along with the moments of power from Ritzy Bryan's voice, Rhydian Dafydd's bass, and Matt Thomas's drums, too--"Silent Treatment" and "Tendons" are 2 of my favorite tracks off the album. They are the perfect juxtaposition for the "Roar" in TJF, like "Maw Maw Song" and "Bats" on Wolf's Law. The album also rotates a lot around a breakup and dealing with it in your daily life, based specifically on the band's own Ritzy and Rhydian who split up and managed to stay together as a group and friends (thank God, for music lovers everywhere).
Yeezus, Kanye West
I've been a fan of Ye for a while, and Yeezus just further solidified that for me. I haven't had a rap album that I've been so passionately in love with to listen to over and over again since Tha Carter III, and Yeezus has done that. It's oh-so-very dark and will probably be Kanye's career lyrical masterwork for the rest of the time that he will be around. His albums have been up and down for me, but this one has staying power. Have you actually listened to the lyrics in "Black Skinhead" and "Blood on the Leaves"? It's some really powerful stuff. I don't personally care what your feelings are for Kanye West, who he is as a person or what he's done. If we all truly didn't listen to the music, watch the movies, or read the books that outspoken people we don't "like", do you even realize how much amazing media you would be missing out on? You're making a mistake if you don't listen to this album. It's severely well-crafted.
Lily & Madeleine, Lily & Madeleine
This is the debut full-length album of sisters Lily and Madeleine Jurkiewicz, who are SIXTEEN and EIGHTEEN FUCKING YEARS OLD and got a record deal after Mr. Christmas himself, the swoon-worthy Sufjan Stevens, discovered them on Reddit. If you're into self-loathing (because, really, what were you doing at sixteen and eighteen years old other than NOT being discovered by Sufjan Stevens?) and really good music, then you need to get these sisters' album. Their music is soft but soulful, unmatched by a lot of music out today. It's not everyday that the lyrics of teenagers can really get you, but these girls have done it with their self-titled debut.
Pure Heroine, Lorde
Adding another teenager to the list, recently-turned-seventeen year old Lorde has taken the world by storm with her top 40 hit "Royals." But it's not even "Royals" which is the real gold on her debut album. Have you checked out "Ribs", "Tennis Court", or my personal favorite, "Glory and Gore"? She writes about real-life experiences for teenagers, from being part of a clique to not having any money but not needing it to have any fun. It's a breath of fresh air from a society that places so much emphasis on money and status, and something about the melodies, beats, and words have really proven something about this Kiwi, self-described as from the wrong side of town.
The Bones of What You Believe, CHVRCHES
Do you like the 80s? Do you like synth pop? Do you like 80s synth pop? Then here's the 2013 album for you. Yet another debut album on this list comes from a Scottish band with a name that takes extra time to think about typing, CHVRCHES. Their fun pop sound is contrasted with vaguely sad, melodic lyrics and creates a sound that is not only catchy but fun in a slightly depressing way. And yet if you weren't listening to the words you could swear that it was some of the catchiest, most fun music you've heard in a while. I'm a sucker for some good lyrics, so take some time to listen to Lauren Mayberry sing some sweetly sad songs to you, bob your head along, and agree that, yeah, you've been there, too.
The Blessed Unrest, Sara Bareilles
Sara Bareilles is someone that sometimes I forget about, and then when I remember her I get really sad I ever forgot her. With previous songs like "Gravity", "Love Song", and "Fairytale", she's always been a favorite of mine, but never someone that I listened to regularly. This is where The Blessed Unrest has changed all of that for me. You've probably heard "Brave" and maybe even "I Choose You" off the album, which I've personally had on repeat for pretty much the entirety of the last week, but the song that really stuck out to me as the one to listen to is "Satellite Call". Bareilles has really created magic with this song. It's what Sara herself described as a love song for the lonely, and I think it's a song that a lot of people need in their lives. I think I've needed it myself, at multiple points in my life, and I'm glad that I have it along with the rest of the album in my life now. She has a very pretty voice with even prettier lyrics. So listen up to the girl with the not-so-little voice, because she's pretty amazing.
Bitter Rivals, Sleigh Bells
Sleigh Bells' first album, Treats, will forever be one of my favorites. So I was sad when Reign of Terror came out and didn't quite live up, as a whole, to the level of Treats. But then Bitter Rivals was released and re-instated my faith in Sleigh Bells as a two-person (now three, if you include their drummer) powerhouse with fun, sometimes non-sensical lyrics and strong beats and guitar. Songs "Sugarcane" and "To Hell With You" are standouts for me and really throw me back to "Kids" and "Crown on the Ground" from Treats.
(sidenote: The songs I'm posting as previews are my favorites off their respective albums, except for this one. For some reason, it's hard to find Sleigh Bells music on YouTube??? Either way, "To Hell With You" is my fave off Bitter Rivals so if this one hasn't grabbed you, give that one a listen on Spotify, too)
Music from Baz Lurhmann's The Great Gatsby
I didn't totally love Gatsby the movie. It was alright. I enjoyed it, but I'm not rushing out to buy the movie. HOWEVER, the music is really what made the film. So many nay-sayers were against a modernized soundtrack to a classic novel, but who the hell cares? This is who Baz is, and he really made it work. Also, how can I possibly hate an album that gave me my future wedding song? Lana 4eva <3
If You Leave, Daughter
The final album in my top 10 is the 4th debut album by an artist/group on this list. Big year for first-timers! This one's got all the emotions in it. The brilliance of the trio of Elena, Remi, and Igor comes from a dark place of broken hearts, and it's heavy. But it's beautiful, it's sincere, and it's just the sort of album your sadness needs to hear once in a while.
Also: The Honorable Mentions You Should Probably at Least Listen To
Bangerz, Miley Cyrus
You're kidding yourself if you haven't listened to this album yet. Twerking and Robin Thicke aside, good ol' Miley has created a really, really solid pop album. The songs are catchy, and they're full of innuendo (and slightly more in-your-face lyrics). Who doesn't love THAT? There, I've said it, I'm a fan of Miley Cyrus. But more than that, I think we can all put aside our differences and enjoy good music. There's been plenty of artists that you may not like who they are or what they've done but still make music that you can like and listen to and have fun dancing to. I can't stop and I won't stop loving this album.
OST from Spring Breakers
Mostly ironic because of my brother's and my love for the movie Spring Breakers. And because who doesn't love going wild for the night?