Better, Mom?
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming…
I think I am sick. I
have a problem, and sometimes it consumes my life.
I suffer from irrational thoughts.
Now, before I scare any of you off, they are not remotely
dangerous nor are they going to inflict harm on myself and/or others. This tends to be the concern when I tell
others that I have said irrational thoughts.
Immediately people assume that I am going to creep into their bedroom in
the middle of the night to bludgeon them with a hacksaw while simultaneously
shooting at them with a bazooka.
Why is everything always about OTHER PEOPLE? These are MY irrational thoughts. Stop trying to make irrational thoughts for
Anyway, I am going to give you guys some examples of my
irrational thoughts. And you will see
for yourself the process of my brain.
1) When my chest hurts
What a Normal Person would think: I have indigestion. Something I ate must have been too hot or too acidic or too unhealthy for my esophagus to handle. I need to manage my food intake.
What I think: I am dying. I am probably having a heart attack and I should lie down and say my goodbyes to my worldly possessions. Goodbye cruel world, it was nice knowing you.
2) When some part of
my abdomen hurts me
What a Normal Person would think: I think I have
cramps. Maybe it is from the abdominal
exercises that I partook in this morning, or maybe I am about to
menstruate. It also could be because of
that strange and undeterminable thing from my refrigerator that I decided to
eat this morning.
What I think: I
HAVE APPENDICITIS. Even though the pain
is not concentrated to the lower, right side of my abdomen where my appendix is
located, I have appendicitis and my appendix is going to explode and I will
die. Never mind that this pain happens
fairly regularly and so I probably would have already had appendicitis
approximately 600 times before in my life, it is appendicitis NOW and I should
probably see a doctor about this.
3) A toothache
What a Normal Person would think: I probably have a cavity
from all of the sugary foods that I consume on a regular basis.
What I think: MY
TOOTH IS FALLING OUT! I already lost all
of my baby teeth, so what is happening to me!!
This makes no sense! Now it feels
loose as I wiggle it around in my gums!!
Why is this happening to me, WHY!!!!
Now, perhaps, my most irrational thought of all.
4) Nothing happens [to trigger any of these
What a Normal Person would
think: My, what a lovely day it is!
The sky is blue, the birds are singing, there are deer outside
frolicking! This could be the best day EVER!!!
What I think:
I am sulking. I have no friends. Everyone that says that they are my friend is
lying to me. Everybody is a liar, and
also everybody hates me. What have I
done that was so terrible to cause everybody to hate me? Even flowers hate me. The moon hates me. Barbecue grills hate me. Rocks hate me, though they have no reason to
hate me because they are rocks. Except
that I walk on them sometimes so now I can see why they would hate me. Life is terrible. Nothing good is on television, all books in
the entire world suck, and music SUCKS.
No, music doesn’t suck, just most music sucks, so I’m going to listen to
the same song on repeat all day
because it doesn’t suck and it is the only thing that I can tolerate right now.
Now, there really is absolutely NO REASON for any of those
thoughts to cross my mind. Sometimes it
just happens, and I don’t know why.
That’s why it is irrational! If I
could explain it, then it would be rational and therefore this entire post would
be a lie.
But it does happen from time to time, out of nowhere. Perhaps something happened to me in childhood
that would explain this but I don’t know where to begin. I can assure you that these thoughts do not
last long, only a few hours at a time, and few and far between.
I will avoid people when I feel this way so as to not lash
out at them and tell them that they suck or to avoid sobbing and blubbering
like an idiot. And then a few hours
later, I am fixed! And I can continue my
day, happy as ever. And then I look back
at my day and think, “PSH! Why did I
think everybody hated me?? Everybody
LOVES me!”
And I am back to normal.