I'm at this weird place in my life right now. Like, literally. Physically, I'm at a real weird place. You see, we arrived in California last Friday, my mom and I. Got an apartment for myself on Saturday. Stayed in a hotel with my mom until Tuesday, when she left to go back to New Jersey. But I don't actually get to move into my apartment until later this week. Hence why I'm at a weird place.
It's what I'd like to call a kind of purgatory.
You see, I've been staying at a local college since Tuesday. It's a nice place. I have an entire suite to myself, so that's been fun. The internet is free, and it's wireless. So for the last three days, I've basically just sat in bed, watching the final season of Friday Night Lights, eating Oreos, and being a bum. I don't start work until later this week. So it's just this until Thursday.
Life's great, right? Why am I complaining?
Because Purgatory.
Now, I've kept as busy as I could. I had friends in town that I hung out with until Thursday. I had errands to run on Friday and I went to a movie at night. Even yesterday, now that I'm alone and have no friends out here, I was content with watching a few episodes of Weeds and, like, 8 episodes of FNL. Content! I was content!
But then, tonight, the Tony's were on. "Why not?" I said. "Neil Patrick Harris is hosting," I said. "Let me hook up my television and... What the?" I said, as I looked around my room and discovered there is NO CABLE HOOKUP IN MY ROOM. Alright, fine. I won't watch the Tony's. I won't watch GSN. I won't watch anything but Netflix, and I still have a couple episodes of FNL left to watch. I'll be alright.
But then, I thought to myself, what about... Tuesday? Oh my god, what about Tuesday? Tuesday! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO TUESDAY?!
Guys, Tuesday is when Pretty Little Liars comes back. And I don't have a cable hookup in my room.
So today I sat in bed, wallowing, crying, dying (not really) that I won't be able to watch PLL Tuesday night, my one night the entire summer I'll actually be able to watch it live because I am too poor to pay for cable once I move into my apartment. Just one night of getting to live-see Caleb and Toby and Ezra and Ian and now Sean Faris is going to be on the show and I guess finding out who red coat is and I can't even do that.
UNTIL: An angel came and knocked on my door. She called herself "The RA." She told me she didn't even know anyone was staying in this building. She asked me if I needed anything. I questioned where I could watch television. She took me down the pathway to the building next door and showed me the most glorious of things: a giant, flat screen TV. That no one uses. Because basically nobody is on campus in the summer.
All. Mine.
This angel also showed me where to to my laundry. Because I have a lot now. And now I know where I can do it.
Maybe I'll even go out into the quad and join the shirtless boys playing bocce ball one day this week? Or maybe I'll ask the guys who walked past my room bouncing a basketball, who stopped outside my door to announce that "Someone is here" before walking on, if I can bounce a basketball with them sometime this week?? Maybe I'll have a posse of college friends/minions by the time I leave here???
Maybe purgatory isn't such a bad place after all??????
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