Sunday, May 12, 2013

What is Wrong With Me?

Last night, I thought I was dying.

It had started on Friday, after I was packing up my apartment to move home from my final semester of college. I grew immensely tired and a pounding headache began in my head. My solution was to go to Hoboken that night with friends.

Bad idea.

The night started off strong. I had a drink (or 3) in my apartment with friends before heading to our destination of choice. After that is when it all went downhill.

You see, when we pulled into a parking deck to put my friend's car (thanks again so much for being our beautiful DD, Chelsea!), her car exploded. Like it was out of a movie. All of a sudden, there was steam cascading up from the hood of her Jeep. Coolanty liquidy stuff was leaking out of her car by the gallon. Should we get out, came the question?

GET OUT IMMEDIATELY, came the reply.

So we got out of the car.  The parking attendant was not nice to us.  He told us that we had to move the car out of the parking deck immediately because he was sure the steaming car would set off the fire alarm.  Um, hello, who turns an overheated car back on?

Also, at this point, I really needed to pee.  I proceeded to yell at him asking for where the bathroom was until he finally managed to point me in the right direction.  I mean, geez, how difficult is it to tell a girl where the bathroom is?

Anyway, the other parking attendant seemed to have some common sense and let us leave the car there so it could at least cool down somewhat while we waited for the arrival of AAA in 90 minutes or less.  Luckily, they arrived in about 20 minutes or so.  Chelsea rode back to the STS in town with the tow truck driver.  My other two friends and I decided to go dancing for a little while.

But somewhere between leaving Chelsea with the AAA guy and getting to the bar we went to I got supremely tired.  Like, more tired than I’ve ever been in my life.  It was real weird.  We were dancing and having fun but I thought I was actually going to fall asleep standing up.

We left the bar soon after because I didn’t think I could be awake anymore.  We took the train back, but have any of you taken late night trains before?  People are weird, man.  They get real weird when the sun goes down.

This guy locked himself in the bathroom and this other guy was legitimately concerned for him, both of them heavily inebriated.  When bathroom guy came out, he just about fought legitimately concerned guy for being legitimately concerned.  Everyone else on the train seemed to also be heavily inebriated as well, except for the three of us.

We felt real bad for the train attendant conductor guy.  We told him he deserved an award.  He told us that they should just let the train attendants drink, too, so that they could deal easier with other drunk people.  Not a bad idea but also not a great one.

When we got back to my apartment, we were freezing.  I layered up and got into bed.  Then the sweating started.  I woke up sweating and gross.  So the natural solution to this problem was to go get bagels.  But I didn’t even want to really eat my bagel.  Which, if you know me at all, is real strange.  Because I basically eat a bagel almost everyday.

After eating half of my bagel, I went to my real home.  I could barely stay awake, though, so I decided to take a 2-hour nap. I woke up periodically, sweat pouring down my face, neck, and back. As though I'd run 10 miles in Florida in the middle of August. That much sweat.

This is when I came to the conclusion that I was not well.

My brother was flying home yesterday from a week in LA, so we had to go pick him up from the airport. We decided to get dinner at the local diner before embarking on our quest to get him.  I ate my entire meal, including dessert. Not my best decision I've ever made. But I felt a little better, mostly just very full and kind of tired. I could deal with that.

When we got to the airport, I was less full and we had about half an hour to kill until my brother's flight landed. So my mom and I decided to get coffee.

Bad idea. Very, very bad idea. 

Within minutes, I felt atrocious. I felt like at any moment my stomach was going to fall out of my body, onto the floor of Terminal A in front of everyone picking up loved ones coming in from the golden state and from wherever else flights were arriving. 

But I managed to hold it together until I got home. It was then that sitting in the recliner in my living room watching Blue Bloods (my parents' choice) that things really went downhill. I went from sweating all day, damp all over, to being absolutely freezing. I wrapped myself in a blanket. I put my extremely warm laptop directly onto my lap. I knew it wasn't cold in my house because my brother had to get a fan for his bedroom and my father was afraid we would all be hot sleeping overnight. I told him I was shivering. He kept the air conditioning off for me. I was very grateful.

I soon went to bed, after popping an Aleve at my parents' suggestion/wishes, feeling extremely weird and like at any moment I was going to pass out. I was snuggled in bed, still shivering, when I heard noises outside. I was convinced there was an intruder either trying to break into my home or vehicle. In actuality, it was probably my brother making noises downstairs. Regardless, I was terrified.

I spent some fearful moments scared for my life until I started thinking rationally, i.e. that it was my brother making noises downstairs. I snuggled back down and got ready for a long spring's nap.

Then I couldn't fall asleep.  So I ended up tweeting a lot about posting this blog today.  If you want to see them you should follow me on Twitter.  But they were pretty dumb tweets.  So don't feel any obligation to follow me.  But if you're into that sort of thing, go for it.

Eventually, I fell asleep.  There's still a pounding in my head today.  I didn't really want to do anything but lay around, though, so that’s what I did and am still doing.

I didn’t even want to eat Mexican food at dinner tonight.  That’s how you really know something is wrong with me.

I don’t really have an ending to this post.  So here’s a picture of my cat Jackson sleeping in a weird pose:

Also, I’ve plugged this post by Hyperbole And A Half blogger Allie Brosh a lot this week, but if you haven’t read it re: her depression and overcoming it then you really need to.  She is the reason I got into blogging in the first place.  And I’ve been meaning to get back into it for a while, and her return this week got me to get there.  So, there’s that.

Also, my apologies for not having written in a really long time.  I know a lot of you have probably been sitting at your computers anxiously awaiting my return.  So now I’m back.  I’m really going to try to write more now.  I promise.

Also, the pictures I drew in this are really poor quality.  I realized after I left my house that I should have used my brother's iPad to draw them with one of those iPad pen things.  Because the new Microsoft Paint is dumb and also I just use my finger on my laptop's track pad so it's annoying.

Welp.  Bye.

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